BUJÓRI skincare product names

The skincare product names - ámpliFielle, ecóuFielle, fortíFielle, sopíFielle - are all derived from Romanian words.

The prefix in each product name expresses the function of the product.
  • sopí – to foam, to cleanse (from saponíne, sopón)
  • ámpli – to amplify, ample (from amplífic, ámplu)
  • fortí – to empower, strength (from fortífic, forte)
  • ecóu – to imitate, echo (from ecóu)

The suffix Fielle, shared by all the product names, I derived from combining six Romanian words, unaware at the time of its existence as an actual word in another romance language. Its sound prompted me to research it, only to find that I had magically stumbled upon a word that means ‘leaf’ in the Norman language.

The ‘leaf’ personifies the essence of BUJÓRI formulations - skincare of botanical origin, formulated to work in harmony with the skin's biological structure and functions.